Djewels will bring European green hydrogen technology to the next level

Djewels is a project developed by HyCC in cooperation with with industry leaders such as McPhy, Rely , DeNora and Hinicio


Djewels is a project that aims to demonstrate the operational readiness of a 20 MW electrolyser for the production of green hydrogen in real-life industrial and commercial conditions. It will bring the technology from TRL 7 to TRL 8 and lay the foundations for a scale-up of European hydrogen production.

The project will be located in Delfzijl industrial park in the Netherlands where HyCC’s mother company Nobian already produces hydrogen through a chlor-alkali process. The Delfzijl industrial park has a direct connection to the electricity transmission grid and is home to several potential hydrogen offtakers.


Stage 1

Hydrogen business analysis
and development

Stage 2

Electrolyser development
and supply

Stage 3

Plant engineering and

Stage 4

System operation
and monitoring


tons of green hydrogen per year


Year project


Why hydrogen?

Consortium Sites


Funding partners

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn a bit more about how Djewels works

How will the hydrogen be produced?

The project will use renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen by using a 20 MW pressurised alkaline electrolyser, with a capacity of up to 3 kt of green hydrogen per year.

The technology is currently being developed by McPhy. The project will bring the technology from TRL 7 to TRL 8 and lay the foundations for the next scale-up step, towards a 100 MW electrolyser on the same site.

How will the hydrogen be used?

Hydrogen will be converted into renewable methanol by combining it with CO2 from other processes. Methanol can be used as a fuel for road transport as well as for the aviation and maritime sectors, and as a feedstock for the chemical industry.

How many emissions are reduced by the project?

The project will reduce up to 27 ktCO2eq per year, equivalent to the emissions from 6000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles over a year.

How is safety addressed?

Safety is a key prerequisite for the project and a priority in each phase: From design to construction and operations. The plant is designed so that oxygen and hydrogen are clearly separated and the plant itself will be reinforced to provide extra protection for the surrounding environment. In addition, we are undertaking addition studies as part of the permitting and design phase to warrant safe operations of the facility.

Where is the project located?

The factory will be located at the Chemical Park in Delfzijl, the Netherlands, where HyCC already produces hydrogen through a chlor-alkali process and where the (bio)methanol producer, BioMCN, is located.

The Delfzijl industrial park has a direct connection to the electricity transmission grid, and a low distribution network charges within, among other industrial clients that will create further conditions for scaling up green hydrogen production.

This project has received funding from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership under grant agreement No 826089. This partnership receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.

This project also received funding from Waddenfonds.

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