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Djewels is a project that aims to demonstrate the operational readiness of a 20 MW electrolyser for the production of green fuels (green methanol) in real-life industrial and commercial conditions. It will bring the technology from TRL 7 to TRL 8 and lay the foundations for the next scale-up step, towards a 100 MW electrolyser on the same site.
The project will be located in Delfzijl industrial park in the Netherlands, where Nouryon already produces hydrogen through a chlor-alkali process and where the (bio)methanol producer, BioMCN, is also located. Delfzijl industrial park has with a direct connection to the electricity transmission grid, and a low distribution network charges within, among other industrial clients that will create further conditions for scaling up green hydrogen production. Beyond
Delfzijl, the park is connected via a dense gas networks to other large-scale chemical and (petro)chemical hydrogen clients in the Netherlands and Germany. These could allow Djewels to be a stepping stone towards the creation of a new hydrogen valley, in line with the ambitions of the FCH2-JU and the regional roadmap, within the industrial cluster of Delfzijl, the Northern Netherland and beyond.
This project is a front-runner among several hydrogen initiatives aimed at cutting carbon emissions and will be a significant milestone in the transition to a more sustainable, circular economy. The funding is granted by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), a partnership of the European Commission and industry that supports the development of innovative hydrogen technologies.